Getting Started with

Family Services Website Listing

Family Services has a section on used primarily by Family Services staff working with single expectant parents who are searching for the right family to adopt their child. Additionally, prospective adoptive parents can also refer whoever they would like to their listing on this site. 

Getting Started

  • Free Consultation—Family Services staff members are available to assist prospective adoptive parents in finding answers to their questions about adoption. This consultation service is provided free of charge to Church members.
  • Learn about Adoption—To learn more about adoption and to understand your options, please review the information about adoption on
  • Create a Profile—Begin by downloading, filling out, and submitting the forms found at the bottom of this page. Once your bishop has confirmed that you meet eligibility criteria, your profile will be made available here. 

Eligibility Criteria for publication

In order to include your profile, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a social media, blog, or website address that single expectant parents can access.
  • Currently live in the United States of America.
  • Have an endorsement from your bishop.
  • Be sealed to your current spouse in the temple.
  • Maintain current temple recommends.
  • Have a current adoption home study.

Once you return your paperwork and meet the screening criteria, please allow four to six weeks for publication. There is a fee each month for the publication.